Discovering Karedok: A Spicy Sundanese Dish with Nutritional Value


Antoni S., Kusdinar W., Gilang, Shandika S., Devi R., Santi


SMK Islam Paniis



Karedok is a Sundanese dish that resembles Gado-gado at first glance. It is made from raw vegetables that are smothered with peanut sauce. Depending on our preference, this dish can be served either steamed or raw and can be found in various locations, particularly in local stores. Although many people assume that Karedok originates from Jakarta, it is actually a typical Sundanese dish that can be found in several regions of Indonesia.

How is it typically prepared?

Karedok is made with raw vegetables such as cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, long beans, basil leaves, and eggplant, while the sauce is made from red chili, garlic, aromatic ginger, peanuts, tamarind water, Javanese sugar, salt, and shrimp paste. The combination of the spicy peanut sauce and the aroma of the fresh basil leaves can be enticing to individuals who enjoy spicy cuisine. Additionally, one of the unique features of this traditional cuisine is the use of burnt oncom.

How is it eaten?

Karedok can be consumed raw, boiled, or steamed. Eating it raw is considered a more "diet-friendly" option since the natural enzymes present in the dish aid in digestion and reduce the need for the body to produce additional enzymes. However, boiled Karedok has its benefits. Although cooking may diminish some of the dish's nutritional value, it also provides its unique advantages. This is why raw Karedok is considered superior to cooked Karedok. There are also variations of Karedok that are served with spices, which can be transformed into lotek, karedok, or reuceun dishes.

In conclusion, Karedok is a vital aspect of Sundanese culinary culture. Although it was originally sold by street vendors, it can now be found in high-end restaurants and cafes, as its cultural value has been recognised. Karedok is frequently served in shops and stalls that offer processed fruits and vegetables, such as Lotek, Pecel, and Rujak stalls.


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